Innovation in close collaboration with industry

Innovation in close collaboration with industry

Industrial Collaboration on Sustainablility
At the Faculty of Engineering and Science (ENGINEERING), we address nine sustainability areas in collaboration with the industry. The research and collaboration within the nine areas are portrayed in nine short videos.

The grand challenges of society call for innovative and sustainable solutions solved in close interaction between knowledge institutions, industry and governments. At the Faculty of Engineering and Science, collaboration with the surrounding community is a high priority.
Through collaboration we want to promote the dissemination of knowledge and the industrial and commercial exploitation of our research for the benefit of private companies, public institutions, entrepreneurs and educational institutions - and not least, to create jobs.
We do this by maintaining a close association with the industry so we can work together on initiating innovative and value-added projects. Our industrial partners also have the opportunity to make use of our excellent laboratories and equipment.
Productivity increases
Company productivity grows an average of 12% when they collaborate with AAU.
Source: IrisGroup (2021): Fra viden til samfundsnytte - Aalborg Universitets bidrag til innovation, iværksætteri og grøn omstilling.
Competitiveness is strengthened
Almost 90% of the companies estimate that the collaboration with AAU has contributed to a large or some extent to strengthening their competitiveness in one or more areas.
Source: IrisGroup (2021): Fra viden til samfundsnytte - Aalborg Universitets bidrag til innovation, iværksætteri og grøn omstilling.
Strengthened innovation culture
More than 90% of public collaboration partners state that they have gained new inspiration and professional skills to a great or some extent after working with AAU.
Source: Kilde: IrisGroup (2017): Aalborg Universitets vidensamarbejde – effekter for virksomheder, myndigheder og samfund.
Our collaboration partners says...

Cooperation with Students Strengthens Companies
A study by the Danish Confederation of Industry (2020) shows that Danish companies rank Aalborg University ad Denmark's best university to partner with.

Examples of Collaboration
ENGINEERING promotes a sustainable development of society

ENGINEERING promotes a sustainable development of society

- Learn more about partnering opportunities for public schools, upper secondary educaional institutions, businesses and entrepreneurs.
- Learn more about AAU Innovation.
- If you as a company want help to start a collaboration with AAU students - go to AAU Match.